Jumat, 20 Januari 2012


Craft clay lucu-lucu

craft clay
Kerajinan clay sudah sangat familiar. Teksturnya clay adalah lunak dan mudah untuk dibentuk. Warnanya juga warna-warni. Sangat menarik dan bisa digunakan oleh segala usia. Mulai dai anak-anak sampai dewasa bisa menggunakan bahan clay untuk menyalurkan kreativitas mereka.
Clay seperti gambar di atas adalah hasil karya adikku.Aku melihat cara pembuatnya tidaklah sulit,hanya satu yang diperlukan yaitu kesabaran. Na clay-clay tersebut bisa dibuat sebagai sovenir. Sovenir pernikahan ataupun Ultah. Bagi yang tertarik bisa membeli clay tersebut. Clay buatan adikku itu di jual lho...heeeee. soal harga sangat terjangkau dech...Bagi yang mau beli bisa hubungi melalui blog ini atau facebook aku yang ada di blog aku. Di beli yukkkk....

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Dompet Flanel

SF DM kancing Rp.4.500 .ukuran 13,5x8,5cm

SF DM pitaRp.4.500 .ukuran 13x7cm 
pas ge ada waktu luang,aku iseng2 buat dompet dari flanel. hasilnya lucu juga nich.Dompet-dompet di atas sangat bagus sebagai cenderamata untuk weding/ULTAH. Dompet tersebut di jual juga lho.Wwarna bisa diganti sesuai selera.Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim.Bagus khan...ayo beli..

Panen Sayuran Kangkung

Bareng-bareng keuarga panen sayuran kangkung di kebun sayur

Ini ni hasil panennya,hijau dan seger-seger lho...

Dan ini kebun sayur kangkung keluarga kami
Ada juga kebun padinya
Seru banget dech...

Main-main di sawah

Main-main di sawah

Lemet Kelapa

750 gr singkong parut
75 gr tepung terigu
200 gr gula pasir
120 ml air
250 gr kelapa muda
1/2 sdt vanili bubuk
Bahan taburan:
150 gr kelapa parut
1/4 sdt garam

Cara memebuat:
Aduk rata semua bahan kecuali air dan kelapa muda yang dimasukkan setelah gula larut. Isikan adonan ke mangkok-mangkok kecil,kukus sampai setengah matang, taburkan kelapa parut bergaram. kukus sampai seluruhnya matang.

Melahirkan Membuat Wanita Menjadi Pintar

Melahirkan ternyata bisa membuat ibu lebih pintar. Hasil penelitiant tim Universitas Yale, America Serikat (AS) menunjukan bahwa volume daerah abu-abu(grey matter) pada otak perempuan mengalami peningkatan beberapa pekan pasca proses persalinan.
Menurut riset itu, perempuan yang paling intens dan sayang pada anaknya yang mengalami perkembnangan paling menonjol.
Para ahli menduga, fenomena perubahan hormon pasca melahirkan ikut mempengaruhi mekanisme otak para wanita sehingga membuat mereka menjadi lebih siap menghadapi tantangan.
Temuan yang dipublikasikan America psychological Association ini brtolak belakang dengan kepercayaan selama ini bahwa menjadi seorang ibu bisa menurunkan kemampuan otak kaum hawa.
Dalam risetnya para ahli ilmu syaraf di Universitas Yale melakukan pemindaian otak 19 perempuan berusia 33 tahun yang baru dikaruniai anak. Pemindaian di lakukan selama beberapa pekan setelah proses  persalinan.
Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa volume daerah abu-abu meningkat secara signufikan dalam empat bulan setelah wanita menjadi seorang ibu. Perubahan seperti itu, kata peneliti hanya terjadi di setelah seorang belajar secara intensif selama periode tertentu, atau ketika mengalami cedera otak atau saat sakit.
Daerah abu-abu adalah bagian otak yang mengaktifkan motivasi, penilaian , alasan,proses emosi, dan perasaaan puas. Daerah ini juga merupakan kunci sukses dalam hubungan antara ibu dan anak.
Perluasan pada daerah " motivasi" di otak, kata peneliti mendorong timbulnya pengasuhan seorang ibu sehingga bayi mereka bisa bertahan hidup dan berkembang baik secara fisik, emosional, maupun kognitif.
Ibu yang memberi perhatian besar pada bayi mereka cenderung mengalami pertumbuhan terbesar pad daerah abu-acu, ungkap peneliti yang mempublikasikan temuannya dalam jurnal Behavioral Neuroscience itu.
Para ahli belum dapat memastikan berapa besar perubahan otak yang diakibatkan peningkatan hormon seperti estrogen dan oksitosin saat wanita melahirkan.
Demikian juga dengan peningkatan seberapa besar peningkatan itu menimbulkan perubahan hormon yang menyebabkan para iu menyayangi anaknya.
sumber : Suara Merdeka 28 Oktober 2010

Senin, 16 Januari 2012


Rame-rame ke ladang sayur..asyik


Direct speech
Reported speech
Present simple
She said, "It's cold."
Present continuous
She said, "I'm teaching English online."
Present perfect simple
She said, "I've been on the web since 1999."
Present perfect continuous
She said, "I've been teaching English for seven years."
Past simple
She said, "I taught online yesterday."
Past continuous
She said, "I was teaching earlier."
Past perfect
She said, "The lesson had already started when he arrived."
Past perfect continuous
She said, "I'd already been teaching for five minutes."
Past simple
She said it was cold.
Past continuous
She said she was teaching English online.
Past perfect simple
She said she had been on the web since 1999.
Past perfect continuous
She said she had been teaching English for seven years.
Past perfect
She said she had taught online yesterday.
Past perfect continuous
She said she had been teaching earlier.
Past perfect
NO CHANGE - She said the lesson had already started when he arrived.
Past perfect continuous
NO CHANGE - She said she'd already been teaching for five minutes.
Direct speech
Reported speech
He told Carol “Carol, speak English.“

He asked Carol“Carol, don’t speak English.“

He told Carol to speak English.
He asked Carol to speak English.
He asked Carol not to speak English.
Direct speech
Reported speech
He asked me“Why don’t you speak English?”
He asked me“Do you speak English?”
He asked me why I didn’t speak English.
He asked me whether / if I spoke English.

Answer these question!
1.      I asked to Andi, “When will you get back from the trip?”
2.       The boy said, “I’m only eight years old”
3.       Brooke asked me, “Why I came late”
4.       “I can meet them later”, Henry said
5.       The doctor said, “Come back again tomorrow”
6.       Richard said, “I saw that movie last week”
7.      She said to me, “Don’t wait for me”
8.      I asked me, “How are you today?”
9.      I said to him, “Don’t call me anymore”
10.  Then he asked, “Does it take longer to go by bus or by train?”
11.  I said to the boy, “Put the package inside the door”
12.  He asked me, “How long have you studied English?”
13.  I said to her, “Don’t ever try that medicine”
14.  Mr. Carter asked me, “Where are you going?”
15.   Father asked me,”How do you speak English well?”

Choose a,b or c !
·  Mary "I love chocolate."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ chocolate."
a. loved
b. loves
c. loving
·  Mary: "I went skiing."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ skiing."
a. went
b. had gone
c. have gone
·  Mary: "I will eat steak for dinner."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ eat steak for dinner."
a. willing
b. will
c. would
·  Mary: "I have been to Sydney."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to Sydney."
a. had been
b. has been
c. was being
·  Mary: "I have had three cars."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ three cars.
a. has
b. has had
c. had had
·  Mary: "I'm going to go to Long Beach."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ going to go to Long Beach."
a. is
b. was
c. went
·  Mary: "I don't like spinach."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ like spinach."

a. doesn't
b. don't
c. didn't
·  Mary: "I have never been to London."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ never been to London."
a. had
b. has
c. have
·  Mary: "I was swimming."
Jill: "Mary said (t


Direct speech
Reported speech
Present simple
She said, "It's cold."
Present continuous
She said, "I'm teaching English online."
Present perfect simple
She said, "I've been on the web since 1999."
Present perfect continuous
She said, "I've been teaching English for seven years."
Past simple
She said, "I taught online yesterday."
Past continuous
She said, "I was teaching earlier."
Past perfect
She said, "The lesson had already started when he arrived."
Past perfect continuous
She said, "I'd already been teaching for five minutes."
Past simple
She said it was cold.
Past continuous
She said she was teaching English online.
Past perfect simple
She said she had been on the web since 1999.
Past perfect continuous
She said she had been teaching English for seven years.
Past perfect
She said she had taught online yesterday.
Past perfect continuous
She said she had been teaching earlier.
Past perfect
NO CHANGE - She said the lesson had already started when he arrived.
Past perfect continuous
NO CHANGE - She said she'd already been teaching for five minutes.
Direct speech
Reported speech
He told Carol “Carol, speak English.“

“Carol, don’t speak English.“

He told Carol to speak English.
He asked Carol to speak English.
He asked Carol not to speak English.
Direct speech
Reported speech
“Why don’t you speak English?”
“Do you speak English?”
He asked me why I didn’t speak English.
He asked me whether / if I spoke English.

Answer these qustion!
1.      I asked to Andi, “When will you get back from the trip?”
2.       The boy said, “I’m only eight years old”
3.       Brooke asked me, “Why I came late”
4.       “I can meet them later”, Henry said
5.       The doctor said, “Come back again tomorrow”
6.       Richard said, “I saw that movie last week”
7.      She said to me, “Don’t wait for me”
8.      I asked me, “How are you today?”
9.      I said to him, “Don’t call me anymore”
10.  Then he asked, “Does it take longer to go by bus or by train?”
11.  I said to the boy, “Put the package inside the door”
12.  He asked me, “How long have you studied English?”
13.  I said to her, “Don’t ever try that medicine”
14.  Mr. Carter asked me, “Where are you going?”
15.   Father asked me,”How do you speak English well?”

Choose a,b or c !
·  Mary "I love chocolate."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ chocolate."
a. loved
b. loves
c. loving
·  Mary: "I went skiing."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ skiing."
a. went
b. had gone
c. have gone
·  Mary: "I will eat steak for dinner."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ eat steak for dinner."
a. willing
b. will
c. would
·  Mary: "I have been to Sydney."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to Sydney."
a. had been
b. has been
c. was being
·  Mary: "I have had three cars."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ three cars.
a. has
b. has had
c. had had
·  Mary: "I'm going to go to Long Beach."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ going to go to Long Beach."
a. is
b. was
c. went
·  Mary: "I don't like spinach."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ like spinach."

a. doesn't
b. don't
c. didn't
·  Mary: "I have never been to London."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ never been to London."
a. had
b. has
c. have
·  Mary: "I was swimming."
Jill: "Mary said (t